Thursday, April 19, 2012

Are You Ready?

No matter who you are, how old you are, how wealthy you are, one day you will ask "am I ready to retire?" We may all think that is what we are working so hard for.  That day you wake up and have nothing to do but golf, read, fish, surf, whatever your hobby is.  Mine is cycling.  But at the end of the day, your life will be changed forever.

Imagine you are the CEO of a 500 person mid sized company.  You are responsible for those 500 people, and they are there to ensure your success.  You and your husband both retired at the same time, your life is relegated to listening to your husband snore from boredom of watching TV.  Your self identity was based on what you did. Basically your life will change forever and I will leave your psyche to your shrink.  My job is to ensure that you can have the pleasure of listening to that symphony of snore.

You may have spent your life as a teacher, and you have looked forward to retiring on that pension you earned for disciplining and teaching kids for 40 years.  Will the pension be enough, will you have the cash to travel  you dreamed of? My job is to help you ensure that you have supplemented that pension. 

It is never to early to start, nor is it to late.  If you are 20 or 60, planning for "the day" is the number one priority of your retirement strategy.  And in the case of funding a portion with insurance, which will be an option, the longer you wait - the more it will cost.

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